Cart Concierge

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Product Details

Please choose whether you'd like AM Take-Out, PM Return, or Full Service AM/PM.

The Cart Concierge service covers all of your garbage carts, cans, recycling bins and bags. With our AM Take-Out we will take all your containers to the street for collection, our PM Return collects your containers and bags and returns them to wherever you like, and our Full Service AM/PM includes both morning take-out and return.

When you order Cart Concierge you will receive:

1 ) A brief intake form that includes: where your cans are located and how to access them, where to return them and confirmation that all members of your household are aware that we will be on the property between the hours of 5AM-7AM to set-out your containers for collection. If your cans require key/garage/lock access we will need to set-up a walkthrough with the resident prior to beginning service.

2) a Welcome Package that includes stickers for you to put on the carts, cans, or bins that you need taken to the street. This allows us to tell your cans apart from your neighbours. As Cart Concierge is Pay As You Go, we do not send a calendar, but you can choose to receive a reminder the night before, via e-mail or text.

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