9 12, 2024

North Vancouver Cart Repair


This is Mr. Can Clean’s Vancouver trash bin cleaning service blog for North Van cart repair tips, help with your Vancouver garbage bylaws and more. To contact us please call or text (672) 226-0263 or e-mail us at booking@mrcanclean.ca

For Mr. Can Clean sign-up please visit our booking page.

North Vancouver Cart Repair

North Vancouver cart repair is a frequent issue for residents. We have a host of unique garbage related problems on our North Vancouver garbage day. One of the major issues facing North Van garbage collection are our North Shore bears.

Black bears are beautiful, powerful animals. Although they are usually quite timid, they are habituated to see our garbage carts as a food source – that leads to many damaged carts!

North Shore Bears

Keeping bears out of our garbage is a complex equation but a great place to start is by keeping your garbage carts indoors. Unfortunately, that often means you have to deal with the stink of dirty organics bins. This is why garbage can cleaning is a great service to reduce the stink in between your North Vancouver garbage day.

North Shore bears are a frequent sight – and so are damaged carts! It’s important to remember that keeping your garbage carts clean is a courtesy to the garbagemen who pick them up. It’s also important to keep them clean for the person who repairs them! If your can is too dirty, you may be asked to clean it before a repair takes place. Not to mention – these carts cost a lot of money and keeping them well-maintained and clean reduces the cost to your municipality for new carts and new parts, and reduces the stress on the North Vancouver cart repair department.

North Van Garbage Day

Try out Mr. Can Clean for your Next North Van garbage day. We offer same-day service as garbage collection and it’s a valuable service that helps you remove a stinky eyesore from your yard, garage, or driveway and is an important step for North Vancouver residents who care about how we co-exist with our North Shore bears.

You can request repairs from the District of North Vancouver by visiting their site.

North Vancouver Cart Repair

North Vancouver Cart Repair2024-12-09T20:02:53+00:00
8 12, 2024

Vancouver Garbage Collection Schedule? Book Mr. Can Clean!


The Vancouver garbage collection schedule can be confusing. That’s why we make sure to send out e-mail notifications the night before your cleaning as an extra reminder that tomorrow is your Vancouver garbage day! Or – try out Mr. Can Clean Cart Concierge – it’s a service that will make you stop worrying about your garbage completely!

For Vancouver garbage can cleaning, we schedule your cleaning for the same-day as your garbage collection – that means that you don’t have to bring your garbage back in off the street at the end of the day. For Mr. Can Clean Cart Concierge, we come in the morning, take your garbage cans, organics bins, recycling bins, and paper bags to the curb for your Vancouver garbage day, then return after collection to bring them in for you.

Mr Can Clean Cart Concierge is a full-service has a set-price of $20 per home, regardless of how many garbage cans, organics bins, recycling bins, or paper bags you have. When we started this service we envisioned the service was “we drag your cans in for you”.

Of course, it’s lovely to not have to bring your cans in out of the rain, right after you park your car, but really, that’s not what this service is about.

This service is about all the times you’ve driven half-way to work and realized you forgot to take your garbage out, or when you come home and see your garbage can was uncollected because of a minor garbage bylaw violation. Our team has years of solid waste experience and we use that to ensure your garbage is collected every single time – or we take it away for you! So no more missed collections that mean organics rotting away in your can for a week, or arguments about who forgot to unclip the locks.

Sign-up for worry-free garbage today!



Mr Can Clean Cart Concierge



Vancouver Garbage Collection Schedule? Book Mr. Can Clean!2024-12-08T01:36:03+00:00
4 10, 2024

“Need a Garbage Bin Cleaning Service Near Me”? Here’s What to Look-Out For!


If you think “I need a garbage bin service near me” read this before you search. Garbage bin cleaning services are typically run by people with experience in the solid waste industry: that means garbagemen, solid waste foremen, drivers, etc. Being a garbageman is a demanding job and the last thing you want to do after a long day of hauling garbage is to turn the hose on and give the truck a wash. But that’s what makes the difference between a professional garbage man and “a guy who picks up trash.” And that’s what makes the difference between a garbage bin cleaning company you should hire and one you should avoid.

Here’s three reasons why a dirty truck should make you think twice about hiring a garbage bin cleaner in Vancouver and why just because a garbage bin cleaning service is near me, doesn’t mean it’s the one you should go with!

1. If the outside of cart cleaning truck is dirty what about the stuff I can’t see?

Garbage can cleaning has a lot going on behind the scenes – there’s plumbing to take water from the tank to the pressure washer to the bin washing machine and finally into your can. While you can see the outside of those hoses – you can’t see the inside – and if the truck, their company’s moving billboard, is a dirty, smelly mess then what do you think the inside of hosing and plumbing looks like? And that’s the water that goes into your garbage can!

2. Attention to Detail

Being presentable is key to running a business – no one wants to hire a business who shows up in a rusty car, looks disheveled, and scares all the neighbourhood kids. Just because we clean garbage carts doesn’t mean we have to look like garbage – and if a company’s workers, trucks, and machinery looks rundown then imagine the attention to detail they give to environmental regulations, their handling and use of cleaning chemicals, or the level of care they put into cleaning your garbage bins! A sloppily dressed garbageman is a dangerous garbageman! Take some pride.

3. Pride

Look good, feel good! If you take pride in your appearance, you’ll most likely take pride in your work as well! And that means the garbage bin cleaner who takes care of his appearance will probably notice the details and missed spots when he’s cleaning your garbage bin!

Conclusion: If you’re walking by a new condo development work-site in Vancouver and notice tools lying around, the workers looking bedraggled, and the ladders swaying in the wind – you’ll probably not be calling your realtor to book a viewing appointment when it’s done. Leaky condos, anyone?

Same goes for garbage can cleaning. Vancouver is a beautiful place – hire a company that takes pride in their work, pays attention to the details! (That’s us 😉 )


Sign-up for Mr. Can Clean Garbage Bin Cleaning today!

Or, checkout our main page and see more reasons why we’re Vancouver’s best garbage can cleaning company.

“Need a Garbage Bin Cleaning Service Near Me”? Here’s What to Look-Out For!2024-10-04T04:20:58+00:00
25 09, 2024

Mr. Can Clean’s Top Three Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tips


Mr. Can Clean’s Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tips

Mr. Can Clean’s trash can cleaning service in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland has our own tips and tricks when it comes to rubbish bin cleaning but a lot of those are proprietary, sorry!

But – we can give you some basic direction how specifically to clean your garbage cans. If you need to clean garbage cans in North Vancouver, this may be different, than if you have a dirty garbage can in Delta. The differences in wildlife, garbage collection by-laws, and garbage usage are varied across the province of British Columbia – here are three rubbish bin cleaning tips that are universal.

And -when you find out that cleaning trash cans yourself is a dirty, stinky, time consuming job – then give a professional trash can cleaner a call!

Mr. Can Clean Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tips Vancouver

Vancouver’s Best Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tips

Number #3 Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tip:

If it’s summertime, your rubbish bin needs vinegar! While it won’t be as effective as the method we use, vinegar prevents flies from laying eggs in your rubbish bin and actually kills eggs – so no maggots! Not only that, vinegar is a great, eco-friendly cleaning product for anything – not just for keeping rubbish bins clean.

#2 Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tip:

Consistency, consistency, consistency. We love our One-Time Cleaning customers who have never cleaned their rubbish bins because it gives us great before and after pictures, but if you are looking to maintain a clean rubbish bin, doing a small amount of cleaning repeatedly is always better than doing one huge clean infrequently.

and the NUMBER ONE Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tip:

If you are cleaning your trash can in North Vancouver, here are some considerations: firstly, let’s look at the wildlife in the area, secondly, let’s look at what deters them.

First of all – if a black bear sees your garbage can, he’s going to investigate; they’re already conditioned to see carts as food. There are too many people who DON’T clean their trash cans for them to NOT check yours out. Personally, we have a trash can in our driveway that is only used to store packaging and recyclables – a black bear STILL came by and tried to rip the lid off. Lucky it’s padlocked! Black bears are curious animals. In a situation like this – it’s best to have a can that they check out, realize there’s nothing appetizing in it and then – they’ll take you off the route. BUT, they’re always ready to add your can back on – so keep it clean.

Lack of odour in your garbage can is the first thing we discussed, now let’s talk about odour – namely, pine: bears dislike the smell of pine. We finish every garbage can cleaning by spraying our customers cans generously with a pine scented spray that will give bears an unappetizing odour when they investigate.


If this seems like a lot of work well – it is! We couldn’t imagine doing a home rubbish bin cleaning of a dirty can without professional equipment, enzymatic deodorizers, scrubbers, and pine spray. Like we tell our customers: “I know how to clean my own oil, but when I pay my mechanic to do it, the oil’s on his hand, not mine.”

If you’d like worry-free rubbish bin cleaning you need to call Mr. Can Clean. You can sign-up using this form or you can text or e-mail us the number of rubbish bins you need cleaned, your address, and where you’d like us to return them to after cleaning.

Mr. Can Clean’s Top Three Rubbish Bin Cleaning Tips2024-09-25T04:21:40+00:00
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